
Showing posts from July, 2021


On the 5th January, 2021 we at the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC had organized a walk COVID-19 prevention education campaign to Mawawa community in Mongu district, Western province Zambia where we made a donation of 150 face mask made by volunteers at Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC to the people of Mawawa community, two (2) days under the line we received calls from Simulima, Siwa, Ikabako, Sefula Musindi, Kembi, Nambota, Namachaha, asking the office if we could reach out to them with a donation of face masks like we did in Mawawa, my office asked the callers to come up with a list of each village for the donation of face mask to which our target for face masks starts at 1,938 to the above mentioned villages. Since the demand is too much for the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC to which we have even run out of face masks materials with the above targeted number, on behalf of the organization I would like to appeal for well-wishers to donation materials for making face masks, after we mad...


Dear Friends and Partners. Each year, March 22 marks World Water Day, a day dedicated globally to acknowledge the importance of water and focusing on issues surrounding access to clean water around the world. Water is not only essential for life, but it also provides a host of health benefits. This March 22, 2021, Maboshe Memorial Centre (MMC) celebrated this year World Water Day online due to new social norms to curb the Covid-19 pandemic. The World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the global water crisis, and a core focus is to support the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number six - water and sanitation for all by 2030. Access to clean water and sanitation is necessary and it is at the heart of SDG6 Water and Sanitation. Smart and digital technologies can be helpful and essential to saving lives. Enhancing access to water system at large either multiple water systems or point of use (POU) handwashing stations along with WASH kits can make water more availabl...


SUMMARY Around the world, individuals face barriers to receiving a quality education because they lack access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products, adequate WASH facilities, and menstrual health education. Think about school going girls who are now locked up in homes, women in correctional facilities and health care facilities, women working in markets, who are also in need of vital information related to menstrual hygiene and access to sanitation facilities. In many places, shared toilets make it challenging for menstruating girls and women to manage menstrual hygiene. Working also closely with the village health teams to ensure distribution of sanitary pads for the vulnerable girls in schools, women in correctional facilities and health care facilities, this we cannot achieve alone without the help of you our donors. The Pad Project partners with individuals, business houses, local and grassroots organizations, to donate sanitary pads materials, soap and underwear's t...


Meet the Founder & President of Socioeconomic And Environmental Development Solutions SEEDS of Canada, Joanne Hutchinson is one of the friends for the Maboshe Memorial Centre (MMC) through Touching Hearts Movement (THM) is a financial resource and materials fundraising initiative campaign for the Maboshe Memorial Centre (MMC) which gives free sponsor and free saving parcels to the mostly poorest and vulnerable families by reducing poverty and supporting school children with education materials and nutritional support within their community set up. Joanne Hutchinson through Touching Hearts Movement (THM) she, her family and her partner organisation made a donation of 100 pieces of sanitary pads to the vulnerable school going girls who can't afford to buy pads in rural/remote schools of Western province in Zambia, Southern Africa.


Touching Hearts Movement (THM) a financial & material resource fundraising initiative campaign for the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC which bring individual well wishers, business houses and other sponsors to gives free saving parcels to the mostly poorest and vulnerable families by reducing poverty, supporting school children with education materials and nutritional support within their community set up. At the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC, we appreciate that you have considered becoming a Touching Hearts Movement (THM) chapter fundraiser to help out with the works of the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC in your country area by offering your skills, time and energy. Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC has accommodated many local, regional and international fundraisers over the years. This enables both the project to benefit while giving our fundraisers an important life experience where they share in the trials, suffering and successes of a community that is emerging from severe economic...


Through Touching Hearts Movement (THM) a financial & material resource fundraising initiative campaign for the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC which bring individual well wishers, business houses and other sponsors to gives free saving parcels to the mostly poorest and vulnerable adolescent with disabilities families by reducing poverty, supporting school adolescent with disabilities with education materials and nutritional support within their community set up. Here are ways to raise resources for the initiative campaign: Pop can drive, penny drive, garage sale, bake sale, make and sell christmas ornaments, make and sell holiday baskets, sell christmas trees, collect and recycle scrap metal, talent show, art contest and sale, car washing, dog washing, door-to-door window washing, mow lawns, read-a-thon or walk-a-thon, babysit, birthday donations, wedding donations and community auction. The main objectives of the fundraising campaign initiative are to raise resources for the fol...


Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC is a child disability not-for-profit; non-political and non-religious affiliations organization founded on the 24th November, 2006 in memories of the late Dr. Rodney Aongola Maboshe in Mongu, Western, Zambia and registered under the laws of Zambia. OUR FOCUS: - Helping children with disabilities from poverty stricken families with: -  Humanitarian aid.  Women governance & Human Rights.  Climate change & disaster risk reduction.  Clean safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).  Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM).  Community shelter.  Women & youth economic empowerment.  Child legal aid.  Sexual reproductive health rights  HIV prevention.  Inclusive technical and vocational skills training  Inclusive education sponsorship (primary, secondary & tertiary).  Drug abuse.  Disease reduction.  Child disabled learning centre.  Young school gardening farmers clubs. VISION A society where children with disabilities are empowered...