Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC is a child disability not-for-profit; non-political and non-religious affiliations organization founded on the 24th November, 2006 in memories of the late Dr. Rodney Aongola Maboshe in Mongu, Western, Zambia and registered under the laws of Zambia. OUR FOCUS: - Helping children with disabilities from poverty stricken families with: -  Humanitarian aid.  Women governance & Human Rights.  Climate change & disaster risk reduction.  Clean safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).  Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM).  Community shelter.  Women & youth economic empowerment.  Child legal aid.  Sexual reproductive health rights  HIV prevention.  Inclusive technical and vocational skills training  Inclusive education sponsorship (primary, secondary & tertiary).  Drug abuse.  Disease reduction.  Child disabled learning centre.  Young school gardening farmers clubs. VISION A society where children with disabilities are empowered and fully participate in social, cultural, economic and political development MISSION To transform, empower and achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication by working with children with disabilities from poverty stricken families to have access to a better live. GOAL To contribute in improving the living standard of children with disabilities in rural/remote communities. CORE VALUES. 1. CHILD PARTICIPATION: MMC will ensure meaningful child participation and call for children with disabilities to be engaged in the design and delivery of solutions. 2. CHILD EMPOWERMENT: Empowering children with disabilities to exercise and claim their rights by advocating for and facilitating their participation in national, regional and international human rights mechanisms and processes. 3. CHILD TRAINING: We seek to teach and train children with disabilities to “bake bread so that they may bake bread for the rest of their lives.” 4. TEAM WORK: Team work for the generation means that decisions are made in consultation; there is sharing of information, experiences and challenges, encouraging entrepreneurial activities, innovation, creativity and change for the better, with an acknowledgement mindset that we cannot solve problems of poverty alone but only through team work and mutual partnerships. 5. CONFIDENTIALITY: The work for the generation is involved in, demands the highest standards of confidentiality. All staff workers are expected to handle all information they receive with utmost integrity. 6. FINANCIAL: To be transparent in all matter associated with money providing a complete accountability for all resources received 7. NETWORKING: Collaboration with all those who share our vision and working with disabilities organisations. 8. INCLUSION: Leaving no one behind. We aim to ensure that all children with disabilities especially those representing key and marginalized populations are meaningfully involved in our programming. OBJECTIVES. 1. To improve access to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in schools and female correctional facilities. 2. To improve access to safe clean water, safe hygiene and sanitation (WASH) for schools, health centre facilities and communities with cases of diarrhea, pneumonia, typhoid and trachoma and good hygiene practice. 3. To provide sustainable, affordable and durable housing units and other slum dwellers. 4. To increase access to justice, counseling, psychosocial support, first aid, referral, free legal aid, case management and representation in courts of law. 5. To improve access to vocational and education sponsorships. 6. To improve the health and social services status of children with disabilities. 7. To improve livelihoods income, nutrition and food security. 8. To improve community resilience, livelihoods and climate change. 9. Humanitarian aid, disaster management and emergency response. 10. Organizational development and institution strengthening. BOARD Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC is governed by the Board who has executive powers for policy direction and supervision of the Secretariat. The Board is drawn from the membership organizations. While the secretariat headed by the Executive Director is the implementing organ of MMC. The apex Board for MMC is the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC governing board comprising of ten (10) elected members from membership organizations affiliated to MMC. The Board represents MMC in a responsible and appropriate manner in all meetings and public functions and serves as the organization’s spokesperson through the Board Chairperson. The tenure of office of the Board members is two (2) years for which positions are re-contested upon an outgoing Board Member’s desire. MMC strives to achieve a balanced representation onto the Board taking into account gender and the greater involvement of all people regards of one society status principle. It is also the responsibility of the Board to mobilize resources and recruit well qualified staff. The Board also hold, lease and own property of any kind in the name of Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC. Each Board member of the Maboshe Memorial Centre - MMC plays a specific roles and responsibilities in accordance with their respective position, professional qualifications, skills and expertise towards attaining a prosperous and professional face for MMC and also contributes to the building of the integrity and capacity of the organization at Secretariat. DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES. The organization is structured such that it goes down to the grass root where beneficiaries who are later organized in District Community Centres. These centres feed into the Secretariat (MMC Head Office). These are structures operating under the supervision of the Secretariat Officials and they are responsible for articulating and driving forwards the mandate, supervision and support of the community activities. These structures are for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children. The Secretariat provides the highest level of commitment to ensure that costed, inclusive, sustainable, credible and evidence-based project activities for children with disabilities and other vulnerable children at district community centre levels are funded and implemented with transparency, accountability and effectiveness. SUSTAINABILITY. For organizational sustainability, MMC offers consultancy and training in a variety of subjects at a fee, some areas of training and consultancy include: proposal development, organstaional development, business development and training. • Continued to mobilize own resources and implementation of long term child action plan. • Develop proposal for demonstration programme in Western province. • Seeking donor funding for the proposal. CURRENT OPERATIONAL AREAS. MMC operates as a rural/remote organization in Western, Zambia with its National Secretariat located in Mongu, working in Mongu, Sesheke, Kalabo, Kaoma, Senanga, Sikongo, Lukulu, Nalolo, Shangombo, Mitete, Sioma, Limulunga, Mwandi, Luampa, Nkeyema and Mulobezi districts of Western of Zambia. NETWORKING. Networking allows MMC to stay in touch with what is happening locally, regionally and internationally and use the information and resources gathered in efforts to help the Zambian rural/remote communities. CHALLENGES. MMC has a vision to reach out to more rural/remote children with disabilities but it faces the problem of limited resources especially financial resources, inadequate transport is also a major challenge including lack of incentives to motivate our local community based volunteers.


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